Asset Protection

Managing Business liability


Whenever a business starts making money there is risk that someone could receive a legitimate harm, or worse, fabricate a harm to demand restitution. Protecting your own earnings is an imperative, but many business owners are unaware that means more than simply purchasing liability insurance. Your business structure, state incorporation and entity type make a difference in the risk you carry.

Limited Liability Partnership

Limited Liability Partnership

Traditional business partnerships held all owners personally liable in the instance the business incurred debts. Within this relatively new entity type, you gain the protections that previously required layered entity and pass-through businesses, but with one simple business application.

Protect My Real Estate

Protect My Real Estate

By titling investment properties to a business entity you protect yourself from personal liability. Many property investors purchase rental homes, multifamily properties and even convenience centers and strip malls in their own name. This increases risk without any added benefit. Talk with us about placing investment properties under holding of a protected business.

Protect My Business Equity

Protect My Business Equity

A business that owns all of its own equipment is in a potentially risky situation. By housing all of its assets under one roof it makes it easier for a plaintiff to go after a revenue stream and the hard assets of the business at the same time. If property and equipment are held under their own business structure it reduces the ability of a plaintiff to go after personal assets of the owners or the full value of business assets.

Which Entity is Right for You?

Which Entity is Right for You?

Each structure has its strengths and weaknesses. Based on your goals and objectives, we advise you of the best structure from sole proprietorship, which provides no protection, to an LLC which limits your liability but lacks tax protections, all the way up to a layered corporate structure with multiple entities to give you the most protection and the least tax owed.

What States Are Best for Incorporation?

What States Are Best for Incorporation?

There are several states known for their business entity structures and their business friendly laws and tax requirements. Delaware led the pack for many decades, but Nevada has emerged as a leader, being selected by Trust Advisor readers in a poll between Nevada, Alaska, Delaware and South Dakota. Fortune Magazine has recognized the attractiveness of Nevada as a haven for business due to the low cost of operating within the state.

Explore your options

Contact PMC Finances today to find out more about protecting your assets. Our consultation services ensure that you find the absolute best asset protection strategies for your money.

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Pasadena, CA. 91107

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