Golden The Ultimate debt Payoff Program

What if someone told you that there’s a way for you to spend your money more than once?


Pay off your debt AND save for retirement. Own your home faster than you ever thought you would.  Would you call them crazy? Well, call me crazy, because not only IS there a way to save money for retirement or to pass on to your heirs, pay your mortgage and cover your credit card debt, but you can do it all with one single financial instrument.


Investment Grade Insurance Contracts (IGIC™) give you the levers to manage your investment AND pay off your debt. Of course, that means avoiding the circumstances that led to acquiring the debt in the first place.


Why settle for being debt free when you could become wealthy?

During your career, you earn and save money in various ways. For example, your employer might provide a 401k with match up to a certain percentage. You can add money to an IRA, but both of these channels for saving are capped. If you want to save more, you might put it into stocks, bonds, futures, or into a diversified fund. All of these channels bear the risks of the market. When the market tanks, so do your investments.

Personal savings? You can draw on an IGIC, and funds can grow at a higher rate than any bank or credit union will offer you.

401k or IRA accounts? An IGIC gives you many benefits above and beyond either type of retirement fund.

Can you reduce costs in any areas such as premium cable channels, online database subscriptions, a gym membership you only periodically hope you’ll use? Find lower cost or no cost solutions and funnel those dollars into your IGIC.

Once you know how much money you can put in, then total up your debt. This can be eye opening, because many people only think of credit cards as “debt.” They think, “I’m buying my home with monthly mortgage payments. I’m leasing to own a luxury car with a one dollar buy out at the end of the term.” In fact, these mortgages, traditional car payments or lease to own options are debt. Much of your payment goes to servicing the interest on the property you are in the process of buying.

Let’s say you bought a $300,000 home in a middle of the road suburb with a 3.8 percent interest rate and a 10% down payment. Your loan will start at $270,000, your monthly payment will be $1653.92 and by the end you’ll have paid $182,910.55 in interest, and a total of $452,910.55 plus tax, insurance and other fees.

Your Audi A7 with a list price of $70,000 and a 4.5% interest rate? Ugh

Credit cards? Maybe $10,000 doesn’t feel like a lot, and you’re making payments, but if you carry that balance with 17% interest plus prime over a number of years, the dollars add up.

Add in an undergraduate and graduate student loan at $180,000 with a combined 5% interest rate at the time of consolidation.

Add it all up, and you are carrying $260,000 debt with an average 7.58% interest and more than $2500 in monthly payments with over half of that going to interest in the first several years of your home loan.

As soon as you realize what you are paying and how much of that is going to financing of your loans you’ll be smart to look for a way to safely step off the merry go round. Enter the GOLDEN payoff plan: Growth Over Life In Debt.


With the GOLDEN payoff plan you’ll reduce your payments to your loans to cover interest and a small amount of principal, then redirect those funds to the IGIC. Your investment will grow at a higher rate than the interest you are paying on your loans, and you’ll see those gains overtake the debt you are carrying.

Once your smallest debt equals 80% of the total in your IGIC, you’ll take a low interest loan against your policy and pay off the debt. By retaining a 20% buffer, you assure that you have an emergency fund in case anything catastrophic should occur. This also helps you maintain positive growth in your IGIC above the rate of the loan. You’ll repeat the process, adding in the money saved on the paid off loan interest, accelerating the growth until all of your debts have been paid in full – student loans, home, credit cards, car. Then your IGIC will pay off the low interest loan you’ve maintained to cover the debts. You will still have interest earnings in your account, and you may continue adding to the account, providing you funds that you can draw for your retirement.

Are you ready to take the first step to becoming debt free?

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